Old Town Trolley

My friends and I went on a sketch outing in Old Town Alexandria. I decided to draw the trolley parked outside the window. My drawing ended up being a combination of a lot of trolleys because they kept driving away. But I still like how this one turned out, and I really love working with watercolor pencils again.


This was drawn from a magazine photo of Billy Bob Thornton. I got bored halfway through and it didn’t end up looking much like him. And honestly, I’m okay with that.


Drawing something every single day for a month isn’t easy.

Shadows are Hard

This is one of the statues from the gates to the governor’s mansion at Colonial Williamsburg.


A quick rhino for Inktober.


The last dead artist I’ve drawn so far, and this was back in October. I’m happy to take suggestions, but the artist has to 1. be dead, and 2. have lived in the age of photography. (So, like, no Titian.) I prefer older ones, especially daguerrotypes and the like, since they’re less likely to have been photoshopped away from reality.

Baby Pan

It’s my birthday, and this is my cat Pan.

Aw, Nuts!

A squirrel drawn from a photo on PaintMyPhoto.

New Year’s Jam

I was having image hosting issues for, like, half a year, so this is just a touch late. We went to a fun party for New Year’s Eve, and shortly after midnight folks started jamming. That bloke rocking out on the bass in the center is my husband.

Goofy Selfie

One advantage to drawing from photographs is the opportunity to create a truly ridiculous self portrait.

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