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Test of the Twins by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman

Test of the Twins (Dragonlance Legends, vol. 3) by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman: This final installment of the trilogy was mostly about Caramon’s final development as a human being (he began the first book as a belligerent drunk), and Raistlin’s final descent into darkness as he faces the Queen of Darkness (one of three gods in this universe), hoping to become a god himself through her defeat. I admit I teared up a little bit there at the end, having against all reason become a bit attached to awful old Raistlin. I would suggest reading all six books (Chronicles and Legends) all through in one go; putting years between them kind of made things confusing for me, especially when Tanis showed up out of nowhere and I’d pretty much completely forgotten his story. But all the same, it’s a fun universe with interesting characters, and I am not surprised at its long-standing popularity among fantasy fans. I am sure to revisit Krynn one day.

Also posted on BookCrossing.

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