Tag Archives: bad ideas

Intervention Collage

Last weekend, my dear husband and I attended the second annual Intervention, an internet pop culture convention. This was also our second year: we had such a great time in the artists’ alley last year that we had to come back. And we were not disappointed.

While I do make a few of the items we sell (the 8-bit ornaments, mostly, though I designed a few of the buttons as well), most of my job description falls under the heading of Booth Babe. I sit and look pretty and try to get people to buy stuff. And I watch the table when The Artist has a panel or for whatever reason is away from his station. The hours are long and quiet times are inevitable, so I bring things to do, like stuff for gluebook pages I’ve been meaning to catch up on. As I’ve mentioned previously, I often create sort of collage scrapbook things out of tickets, pamphlets, and other detritus picked up while traveling. This time around I was doing a couple pages from a recent excursion to Cumberland, MD, as well as our recent trip to Dragon*Con.

By early evening on Saturday, however, I’d run out of things to do, so I did a walkabout the artists’ alley and picked up all the business cards, flyers, and other free paper matter I could get my hands on, and began glueing all that stuff into my book. Because I was doing this more to pass the time than anything else, I decided I wasn’t going to worry about keeping images with information, so I cut things into smaller and smaller pieces, sticking them wherever they fit, but making a concerted effort to include URLs and contact information for everyone, rather than just hijacking their drawings. I ended up filling fourteen pages. A few of the people I showed it to thought it was nifty, so I’ve scanned in the whole thing for your viewing pleasure.

[Click to embiggen.]

Folks represented (and if I missed anybody please let me know!): Abby’s Adventures | Adrastus | All New Issues | Anachronauts | Annie: a space western | Ansem Retort | AWSOM.org | Ayla | Babies Love Comics | Bardsworth | Binary Souls / Other Dimensions | Black as White | Bored in the Basement | Brony | Capes & Babes | Clare Moseley | Con Goer Video Podcast | Copic Color | The Cow | Curls | Darkstar Studios | The Devil’s Panties | Dominic Deegan | The Draconia Chronicles | Escapement Studios | Fairy Magik | Finder’s Keepers | First Law of Mad Science | Fragile Gravity | Geeks Next Door | Grendel’s Den Design Studio | Grim Crew | Guilded Age | Hainted Holler | Honey & the Whirlwind | Ink & Toggery | Interrobang Studios | Intervention 2011 | Intravenous Caffeine | Kelsey Wailes | Lady Astrid’s Laboratory | La Macchina Bellica | LaSalle’s Legacy | Little Dee | MAGfest | monica h. | Monica Marier | My Pest Friend | The Octopus Treehouse | On the Bright Side | Paint Me a Perfect World | pendragonvamp | Peter is the Wolf | Plastic Farm | Quirky Crochet | Reality Amuck | Rho Pi Gamma | Rosscott, Inc. | Sex, Drugs, and June Cleaver | Shaenon K. Garrity | Short Story Geeks Podcast | Skyscraper Soup | Sledgebunny | Snow by Night | Spacetrawler | Squid Salad | Sticky Comics | Stuffed Sushi | Stupid & Insane Defenders Against Chaos | The Suburban Jungle | Super Art Fight | Tamuran | Tangent Artists | Technoangel Studios | “That’s So Cute” Buttons | Tummel Vision | Uncle Yo | The Webcomic Factory | Within a Mile of Home | Zorphbert and Fred

One person suggested I start a blog just about this sort of gluebook souvenir that I make pretty much every time I visit anywhere with a brochure. Granted, I’d be using other people’s art and design to make my art, but on the other hand, I’m actually in physical possession of everything (as opposed to just downloading from the internet), I’m not claiming any of it as mine, and I’m linking back whenever possible. It could be an unconventional (and thus interesting) approach to travel blogging. Then again, it might not interest anybody at all but me. Either way, I’ll continue gluebooking for my own pleasure regardless. The question is whether I should put forth the effort of sharing what I make.

Anyway, I’m waffling. As usual. What do you think?

Eyeshadow Art – An Experiment

I’m going to be in a wedding this summer and I realized as I was going through my makeup that none of it had been worn since my own wedding some four and a half years ago, which meant that the very newest stuff dated from then and quite a bit of it was much, much older. I hate throwing things away, especially when they’ve barely been used, but it was time. So I decided to experiment with the makeup as art supplies.

I used watercolor paper (more specifically, watercolor postcards).  I figured the more texture on the paper, the more likely it was for the makeup to stick at all, and I think I was right. Since I was working only with the makeup I already owned, and I never wear makeup, my selection was pretty limited: Lancome Colour Focus 4Dreaming, Mary Kay Signature Pink Pout lip gloss (apparently a much sought-after discontinued color), N.Y.C. black eyeliner pencil (given my complexion I have absolutely no idea what I was doing even owning this thing), Clinique black/brown gentle waterproof mascara, and assorted Mary Kay eyeshadow, blush, mascara (unlabeled and five years old, so I have no hope of finding them; suffice it to say they were various shades of brown).

It didn’t work out so well.

The makeup was all more or less destroyed in the process of doing this, and I made a mess. (The latter is hardly surprising; I can manage to make a mess with a gluestick. It’s a talent.) The trouble with using makeup on paper is that you need a lot of it for it to really show up, and if you use anything non-powder like lipstick or mascara or eyeliner, the contrast is too sharp. If I were to do this again, I would start with a much broader palette of colors. Then I would choose to draw something that is in no way associated with makeup. And skip the mascara.

But at least now I don’t feel so bad about throwing it all in the trash.

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