Tag Archives: BC in DC

Memorial Release for Becky

Last August, ResQgeek‘s daughter Becky (aka N-R-Jyzer) was struck and killed while riding her bicycle. We at BCinDC are organizing a memorial release on what would have been her 10th birthday: February 14, 2011. Always giving of love and hugs, Becky is remembered as embodying the true spirit of Valentine’s Day. The theme of our release in her honor is hugs, hearts, and Valentine’s day. Becky loved Winnie-the-Pooh, so we will be releasing those and other children’s books as well.

Date: February 14, 2011
Theme: Hugs, hearts, Valentine’s Day, Winnie-the-Pooh, children’s books
Release notes: Please include a link to the Becky’s Hugs facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Beckys-Hugs/147053868666518) in the JE for the release.

If you are in the area, BCinDC is holding a release walk in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia, at 7:00pm that evening. We will meet at La Madeleine at 500 King St. (at the corner of King and Pitt), then walk down King Street and up N. Union St. to end at Becky’s tree in Founder’s Park. Please let us know if you will be joining us so we know to wait for you.

Memorial labels are available at the supply store.

We hope you will join us in remembering Becky.

BookCrossing Convention, April 15-17, 2011

You may have noticed that I’m a member of BookCrossing. (How you would have missed it I’m not sure.) BookCrossing has an International Anniversary Convention every year on the weekend nearest its birthday (April 17) and in 2011 it’s going to be here in Washington, DC.

It’s going to be awesome.

First off, you really have to check out the BC in DC website because it’s gorgeous. Kate’s done such an amazing job.

Second, we’re holding an auction to help raise funds for the convention in order to keep registration fees down.

There are eight themed boxes in all, with bidding open for two weeks each. I’m sure some of my friends would be interested in the Harry Potter box, the Books to Movies box, or the Cooking box. There are a few I’m thinking of bidding on as gifts for other people. You don’t have to be a BookCrosser to win. And if you’re local or I’ll be seeing you in person, you don’t even have to pay shipping – I’ll bring it to you.

In related news, we are collecting Choose Your Own Adventure-type books. They don’t have to be that specific brand and they don’t even have to be children’s books – just the CYOA style. If you come across any at thrift stores or yard sales, please send them our way:

BCinDC c/o Kate McDevitt
P.O. Box 343
Fairfax Station, VA 22039

(Or you can send them to me if you’d prefer. Either way is fine.)

I am so excited about this convention, I can’t even tell you. Even if you can’t attend or donate or bid in the auction, I’d really appreciate it if you helped spread the word. Link, Digg, Stumble, Tweet, or whatever – just please tell your friends. It’s going to be so much fun.

Extra Festive Saturday

If you’re in the Washington, DC, metro area this coming Saturday, there are plenty of things to do. Fall for the Book in Fairfax is winding down and the Maryland Renaissance Festival is in full swing. The Baltimore Book Festival is this weekend, conflicting as it does every year with the National Book Festival in DC. My local BookCrossing group will be cavorting around the National Mall, handing out books. Heck, even my home town is having its annual festival on Saturday.

But I’m not going to any of it. My husband and I will be at the Small Press Expo, geeking out on indie comics. And I can’t wait.

We might also stop by Horrorfind Weekend on Sunday, but that’s still up in the air. Either way it’ll be fun times.

BookCrossing in the Washington Post

In This Club, Books Free to a Good Roam: A lovely article in the Washington Post from this past Tuesday (11 August 2009). BookCrossing shows up in the international media on a fairly regular basis, but this one is special because it’s about my local group, BC in DC. I wasn’t mentioned by name, alas, but I did meet with Ms. Ianzito. The woman in the photograph is our own crrcookie, one of the most prolific (and most organized) BookCrossers I’ve ever met.

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