Tag Archives: birthdays

Write on Wednesday – Birth-days

Today’s WoW is about birthdays. Coincidentally, I’m staring down the barrel of the big three-one next week. Last year I celebrated surviving my 20s. This year I’m officially a thirty-something. I didn’t used to be old, but now suddenly everybody calls me “ma’am”. When did that happen? But enough about that. Our fearless WoW leader specifically spelled it “birth-day” which makes me think more specifically about the day of my birth. Which of course I don’t remember, but I’ve heard stories. I know I was the easiest birth for a number of reasons: (1) I was the last of four children; (2) I was the smallest baby; and (3) the next youngest child, my sister, was the largest baby. I’m sure you can imagine the requisite jokes about catcher’s mitts. My brothers babysat my sister while I being born; one of their memories is pushing my sister around in a big cardboard box. Apparently she loved it.

I don’t do much for my birthday these days. We go out to eat, maybe do something fun like visit the aquarium or something, but with the exception of my 30th last year I hardly ever throw parties. This year, however, I get Tokyo for my birthday. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to top that.

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