Tag Archives: bombast

Rethinking Goals

One of my favorite art journaling blogs, Daisy Yellow, had a post this morning about how goals are irrelevant if unpursued. It’s a very simple statement, but very true, and something I don’t think about nearly often enough. For each goal, you should either let it go or get serious about it. She talked about looking back over her goals for 2010 and saying that while she did a lot of things this year, they weren’t things on the list, and they need to be things on the list. Or else the list needs rethinking.

After reading this, I looked at my goals for 2010, most of which aren’t particularly important to me. Then I looked at my bucket list, and realized that I’m not making the least bit of effort toward doing any of those things. Why not? I don’t know, but it’s clear that I need to re-evaluate what I want to accomplish in this life.

What are your goals? Are you actively pursuing them? If not, why not?

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