Tag Archives: can you keep a secret

Can You Keep a Secret? by Sophie Kinsella

Can You Keep a Secret? by Sophie Kinsella: A cute book, but I had a bit of a problem swallowing the premise: a woman on a turbulent plane ride, fearing death, blabs all her secrets to the man next to her. (The man turns out to be the founder of the company where she works, and remembers everything she said.) What kind of nitwit responds to stress by telling a stranger how she finds g-strings uncomfortable? If you can get beyond that, it’s a pretty fun little book. I liked that I didn’t know where it was going, that I didn’t see the Big Drama coming a mile away. I mean, it wasn’t exactly a twist ending or a big mystery or anything, but it was amusing enough to keep me entertained the whole way through. I just wish I’d had a little more sympathy with the main character. I just don’t see the point of lying about your interests in order to impress somebody. If they don’t like you for who you are, what are the odds of having a good relationship with them?

I listened to this on audio, read by the appropriately-named Kate Reading. I’d listen to her read The Host just before this, and hadn’t been very impressed with her, but I think it was the fault of the source material. She was fantastic this time around, deftly switching between characters and accents: American, British, and even a spot-on New Zealander. Very impressive.

Also posted on BookCrossing.

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