Tag Archives: comic

Diary Comic: Dreams

I actually did draw my friend’s dream, eventually. You can see it here but it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.

Cat Comic: Pan Gets Fierce

Diary Comic: Working Late

Working late means getting all the leftovers

Diary Comic: Alarm

Originally posted on Facebook, 30 September 2014

Diary Comic: Butt Bling

Today I noticed my jeans have rhinestones instead of rivets. My butt has bling. (It's weird.)

Originally posted on Facebook, 26 September 2014

Diary Comic: Too Early

My coworker is always bugging me to get to work earlier so today I arrived at 5am - just to see if I could. Verdict: NOPE.

Originally posted on Facebook, 23 September 2014

Maus: A Survivor’s Tale by Art Spiegelman

Maus: A Survivor’s Tale by Art Spiegelman: I read this in two separate volumes but they were back to back so I’m going to review the whole thing as one. This is the tale of Spiegelman’s father’s experiences during the Holocaust in Poland, as told through interviews with his son. There are a large number of flashbacks, but interspersed are present-day exchanges as Spiegelman attempts to deal with his often unreasonable father. A number of interesting things were done here: first, the father’s imperfect English was kept verbatim, so I could completely hear his Polish accent. Second, various creatures were used to represent various peoples: Jews were mice, Germans were cats, Poles were pigs, Swedes were reindeer, and Americans were dogs. Oddly, the animal attributes were only applied to the heads; the bodies were unquestionably human. The tale itself was one of horror, as expected, but also one of love and hope. The choice to tell it as a comic in stark black and white was a wise one: it really drove it home for me, leaving me with both words and images. The Holocaust – much of WWII, really – remains an incredible, almost unbelievable part of human history, and one that must never be forgotten. Maus is only one story from it, but it is a powerful one nonetheless. Recommended.

The Ankle Saga

On Easter Sunday I was minding my own business when suddenly I stepped off a curb wrong and completely screwed up my ankle. No bones were broken, so the ER staff diagnosed me with a sprain, put me in an air cast, gave me crutches, and sent me on my way.

The trouble with having a sprained ankle is that people think it’s synonymous with a twisted ankle. It’s not. By medical definition I have “just” a bad sprain, but in my case that means I have multiple tears in multiple ligaments and tendons. Two doctors, four braces, and nearly three months later and I’m still limping along, now (finally) awaiting surgery to fix the tear in the tendon.

But I’m not posting to whine. (Well, not just to whine, anyway.)

I’m posting to share some of the awesome that has been bestowed upon me during my recovery. First, my sister made me a present: a grumpasaurus to cheer me up. I love him, and he currently disapproves from atop my bookshelf. Perhaps unsurprisingly, my husband quickly snapped him up and put him in a comic:

by theshaggyfreak on deviantART

From the start I’ve been a touch embarrassed at injuring myself so grievously doing something so mundane. It also gets a little old answering “what happened?” over and over (and over!) again. At some point I decided to start lying, and even better, tell each person something different. My friend Yibble was particularly intrigued by my story about being pushed out of a plane by a Nazi while alligator wrestling and ended up drawing a rather amusing cartoon of the event:

by Illishar on deviantART

A note on the costume: Yibble texted me to ask what I was wearing while skydiving and alligator wrestling. I told her 18th century garb, naturally. I mean, what else does one wear for such occasions?

Everything Here is Mine by Nicole Hillander

Everything Here Is Mine by Nicole Hollander: It seemed, at first glance, that I fit squarely into the target audience for this book. I like cats, I like comic strips, and I like humor. And it’s not like my tastes are all that high-class: I still often find LOLcats funny. But this book, alas, is not particularly funny. I suppose I should have been somewhat cautious when I realized it was by the cartoonist behind Sylvia, which is often just a half-step away from actual humor. And thus it is with this book. Parts of it – such as the woman raised by cats or the mind games cats play – are almost funny, which is in some ways more disappointing than something that is all-out unfunny. And I think the worst part was that I could spot jokes I know other people would find funny. I could imagine certain friends of mine laughing at various lines, particularly if read out loud. So maybe I wasn’t the target audience after all.

Also posted on BookCrossing.

Free Comic Book Day

Don’t forget: this coming Saturday is Free Comic Book Day! I’ve been the last two years and gotten some pretty good stuff. Enjoy!

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