Tag Archives: cute book

Moominpappa’s Memoirs by Tove Jansson

Moominpappa’s Memoirs by Tove Jansson: I admit to being a little disappointed when I discovered that this was not the story of Moominpappa’s adventures following the Hattifatteners, but I soon came round to embrace this strange tale of fathers: Moomintroll’s, Sniff’s, and Snufkin’s, respectively. I was a little concerned that Sniff and Snufkin appeared to have never even met their parents, but I guess in Moominland that’s not such a crazy notion. Anyway, this is Moominpappa’s somewhat embellished account of his early years, from his abandonment at a Hemulen-run orphanage to the day he met Moominmamma. I was truly entertained by the Autocrat’s speeches, and the art was wonderful as always, but this was not my favorite Moomin book. Moominpappa’s inflated sense of self-importance was amusing at first, but became tiresome by the end. Luckily, it’s a very short book, and does not overstay its welcome.

Also posted on BookCrossing.

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