Tag Archives: drawing

The Aviary

Drawn from my car at about 7am.


This is what happens when you don’t plan your space well enough. As I sat outside Union Market waiting for my husband who was at a Nintendo Switch demo, I drew this lovely motorcycle in front of me. When I was nearly finished, a family sat down at my table, one of them directly in between me and what I was drawing. Good thing I was almost finished.


EPCOT is lovely at night. Hard to draw in the dark (I didn’t have a light with me), but I think it turned out all right.


While we waited for Illuminations to begin, I drew the only thing in view on that dark night: my shoes.

More Selfies

Koosje Koene is the master of the selfie sketch. Inspired by her sillier self portraits, I snapped a few quick pics of myself with my cell phone one night and drew one of them:

Does it look much like me? I dunno. Some folks seem to have recognized it. But it sure was fun to draw. A friend asked me to draw a smiling selfie (she said I wasn’t recognizable without a smile, which is sweet of her), so I did:

I overdid the chin a little bit but overall I really like it. But you know I couldn’t leave it at that:

The show through from the next page is pretty bad, but oh well. It’s just a sketchbook. If I cared more I’d take the time to do more post-processing. But too much of that sort of tedium causes me to make this exact face. We try to avoid that in my house.

Trying out Moleskine (again)

Moleskine has long been a favorite among the sketching community, and for a long time I really couldn’t understand why. I’d used loads of their notebooks and frankly, they kind of suck. The paper is extremely thin and smooth, meaning that ink smears and bleeds something terrible.

Not wanting to completely dismiss the brand, though, I picked up one of their sketchbooks and tried it out with my regular art pens. And you know what? It was fantastic. The paper is thick and sturdy with minimal show-through and no feathering. It’s lovely to draw on. I now understand the hype.

So now that’s my purse sketchbook. I was at a party and decided to do a couple of sketches – the hosts’ cat on his kitty tree, and my foot among the assorted detritus of eating and playing video games. Fun times. Maybe this new sketchbook will actually cause me to draw more while I’m out. That’d be nice.

Sketchbook Peek: Manassas Train Station

I was wandering downtown Manassas and decided to take advantage of the lovely weather to draw the train station there. I sat in the gazebo across the street, which seems a common location to take photographs. To be honest, I’m not at all happy with this; I’m simply not very good at drawing buildings. But you know what? That’s why we practice.

Sketchbook Peek: Backpack Brigade

It was Friday morning and it was too early to leave for the gym yet, so I did a very quick sketch of all the bags I take with me that day: one for work, one for the gym, and one for my laptop to take to a write-in after work. Despite rushing through, and not coloring it until later that day, I was still late for the gym. Figures.

Draw Tommy Kane

Tommy Kane, one of the teachers of Sketchbook Skool, is someone whose work I find profoundly inspiring. He has an ongoing project called Draw Tommy Kane, where a bunch of folks draw the same photo of Mr. Kane. It’s neat to see all the different styles, and I like my own contribution enough to feel proud to be among the ranks.

Sketchbook Peek: Bonsai

I visited the National Arboretum with a friend and was enchanted by the bonsai exhibit. Alas, I am still not quite comfortable sketching while someone is sitting next to me not doing anything else, so I rushed these. Still, it was a pleasant (if rather too warm) day.

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