Kiss Me Like A Stranger by Gene Wilder: Though I enjoy his movies, I would not consider myself a Gene Wilder fan. I’m not sure I’ve ever thought about him outside the characters he’s portrayed. It was kind of a weird experience reading the life story of a complete stranger, especially one as brutally honest as this. Wilder tiptoes around nothing. Still, it was surprisingly readable, at once touching and funny. I got a little choked up reading about Gilda Radner’s final days. Wilder focuses mostly on his personal life and romantic relationships, though there is also a fair amount of information about his experiences as an actor and later writer. It’s refreshing to read a memoir written at the proper time in a person’s life: after they’ve settled down with the right person, are more or less retired from what made them famous, and have the time to sit back and reflect. While I wouldn’t recommend this to someone who hates Gene Wilder movies, you certainly don’t have to be a fanatic to enjoy this tale of self-discovery.
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