Tag Archives: grave peril

Grave Peril by Jim Butcher

Grave Peril by Jim Butcher: In this third installment of The Dresden Files, Harry is up against vampires and ghosts and demons and nagging friends. This time around he is joined by Michael, whose magic powers come from his unshakable Christian faith and amazing sword. This book requires some amount of knowledge about the series, as several of the baddies are from the prior books: the head vampire lady, Harry’s fairy godmother, etc. The plotting here was a bit thinner and more scatterbrained, but I am hoping it’s the beginning of a larger story that will stretch into future books. I got a little tired of Harry being beaten up and then rallying over and over again, as well as his lengthy bouts of introspection, but I liked the story and characters enough that I’ll stick with the series for at least a few more books. I’ve heard it gets better as things go on, so hopefully this was just a bump in the road.

Also posted on BookCrossing.

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