The Tin Drum by Gunter Grass: What a strange book. I’m not sure how else to describe the life story of a midget with a neurotic attachment to his toy drum and a voice that can shatter glass. Add in the fact that most of it takes place in Germany during WWII and it’s all narrated from a bed in a mental hospital, and you have one truly bizarre tale. It took me an unusually long time to read this book. It wasn’t bad, just very dense and difficult to read a lot of at a time. In fact, the absurdity was quite funny in places, but maybe I just have a strange sense of humor. The passages I read out loud baffled my husband. In short, I have absolutely no idea why this book is considered a classic in some circles, but I’m glad I read it. It’s definitely one story I won’t be forgetting anytime soon.
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