Tag Archives: hobbies

Help Support Markeroni!

As you may know, Markeroni is one of my favorite hobbies. Because of it I’ve visited some fascinating new places and learned so much (not least of which how the Civil War was really the beards vs. the mustaches). I love hunting for historical markers. I even wrote a Squidoo article about it. Well, what you may not know is that this great site is run by two people on truly ancient computers, and they need your help to bring the site into the 21st century! Every little bit helps, even just spreading the word. Click here to learn more.

Hobbies ahoy!

I can never turn down an opportunity to write lists, so I’ve added a more fleshed-out hobbies page, complete with a list of my wild catches from BookCrossing.

I’ve also added a couple more sites to the Writing Prompts Websites list, but I won’t make a separate post every time I do that.

In sadder news, my softshell turtle Matey died yesterday, so I’ve updated the about section accordingly.  I’ll miss that ugly little turtle.

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