Hounded by Kevin Hearne: Atticus looks 21 years old, but is actually closer to 21 centuries old, thanks to a deal with a certain god of death. He runs a small bookstore in Arizona in between dealing with a number of gods, werewolves, vampires, witches, and other unexpected characters. The basic idea is that every deity from every religion actually exists, though Atticus mostly has to deal with those of the Celtic variety, since he is Irish himself. In this tale, Atticus must face Aenghus Og, an angry god who has been after him to retrieve a certain magical sword for centuries. I got a huge kick out of this book. Atticus is snarky and sarcastic, and the constant play on mythological archetypes never failed to entertain. I would not hesitate to read the rest of the series. If you’re a fan of The Dresden Files, you’ll probably enjoy this one as well.
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