Tag Archives: laurie halse anderson

Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson

Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson (unabridged audiobook read by Mandy Siegfried; 5 hrs on 4 discs): After calling the cops at a party full of underaged drinkers, Melinda begins ninth grade as the school pariah, all her former friends having abandoned her. Little do they know Melinda hides a horrible pain. Though I guessed Melinda’s secret early on, the gradual revealing of all the details was still just as harrowing. As she deals with being friendless and afraid she begins to find herself through art and gardening. I found Melinda’s voice to be quite realistic, quite reminiscent of my own high school experience (minus the trauma and truancy, that is). She’s both funny and tragic, detached but still wanting to belong. I was completely engrossed in her journey. Next I need to see the film. I hear Kristen Stewart is actually really good in it, which actually doesn’t surprise me, considering I’ve already nicknamed her Twitchy McStutters. Perfect for someone who barely speaks.

Also posted on BookCrossing.

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