Tag Archives: making strides against breast cancer

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer

My Making Strides Page

Once again, my office is participating in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk in Washington, D.C. I’m a little concerned about the logistics since there are also dueling rallies supposedly scheduled for that day, but hopefully it won’t be too crazy.

My mom had breast cancer. I remember getting the call shortly after starting graduate school 700 miles away and feeling helpless. She recovered, thank goodness, but it was a pretty rough time for the whole family. Two Christmases in a row were quiet because she was recovering from surgery. Her mother and sister had also survived breast cancer, so it wasn’t a total shock, but that doesn’t make it any better. Still, every time I hear of someone dying from this disease, I call up my mom just to say hello.

I unfortunately cannot attend the walk this year, but I’m still helping fund-raise. If you would like to donate, please click here.

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer

My Making Strides Page

On the morning of Halloween this year, I will be participating in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk in Washington, DC. I am walking in honor of my mother, my grandmother, and my aunt, all of whom survived breast cancer. I’ve never done one of these charity walks before, but I think it’ll be good.

If you would like to make a donation or learn more, please visit my participant page.

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