Tag Archives: out of the fallout

Out of the Fallout by Veronica A. Mullen

Out of the Fallout by Veronica A. Mullen: Self-published novels are, in general, self-indulgent and extremely hard to follow. Luckily, Out of the Fallout is an exception to this rule. It is rife with typographical and grammatical errors, but if you can look past that you’ll find a surprisingly engaging story. The plot is rather complex, set in a post-apocalyptic world where the chemical and biological weapons of the last war caused unexpected psychic abilities in a large portion of the population. Jason and Michelle, however, are two of the extremely rare “natural” psychics. They live at The Psychic Research Center, a cross between a school and a laboratory for juvenile victims of the psychic virus, where children are kept apart from the “normal” population in order to be studied and to learn to control their newfound abilities. Jason and Michelle, though prized by the scientists as test subjects, are ostracized by the rest of the children. Michelle’s unusual behavior – in response to spending her formative years held hostage by a serial killer – makes her even more of a target. The story chronicles their lives over several years, from teenagers to adults, as Jason struggles to find normalcy and Michelle withdraws ever more deeply into herself. The ending completely lost me – the random forays into Greek mythology, the unexplained bird creature, the bizarre dreams, the abrupt conclusion – but otherwise I enjoyed this one. If another edition ever comes out – one where the second half of the book is as detailed and engrossing as the first – I will certainly pick it up. In the meantime, I’ll keep an eye out for Mullen’s future works.

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