Tag Archives: phyllis a. whitney

The Singing Stones by Phyllis A. Whitney

The Singing Stones by Phyllis A. Whitney: My mother gave this to me because it takes place in Charlottesville, Virginia, where I used to live. It was a very quick read. The characters are more or less believable, but I was terribly unimpressed with Stephen and therefore Lynn as well. I also thought the ending was kind of forced. I like to be surprised at the identity of the killer in a “wow, I never would have suspected him/her but it all makes sense now” kind of way instead of a “hey look, the author took the least likely person and made them act out of character in order to explain their motive” kind of way. Julian was pretty cool, at any rate.

All the same, it kept my interest to the very end and brought back pleasant memories of the Charlottesville area. Strangely enough, the book set C’ville in Nelson County. Perhaps in the 14 years since it was written things have changed – today C’ville is in Albemarle County.

Originally posted on Bookcrossing.

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