Tag Archives: something m.y.t.h. inc

Something M.Y.T.H. Inc. by Robert Asprin

Something M.Y.T.H. Inc. by Robert Asprin: This is the twelfth and final volume of one of my favorite series of all time. A word of warning: read the rest of the series first. And if it’s been a while (as it had been with me), at least reread Sweet Myth-tery of Life. I was a little lost here and there, as some events in this book take place simultaneously with its predecessor. Also note that as this is a book with M.Y.T.H. Inc. in the title, it is not narrated solely by Skeeve, but (in this case) mostly by Guido. His incessant Guys’n’Dolls-esque speech gets a bit tiring from time to time, but if you enjoy old mafia movies there are certain scenes that are just a hoot. I would share the plot, but there isn’t much to say. Ostensibly it’s about a popular uprising against The Great Skeeve for raising taxes, but really it’s just a tying up of loose ends. The ending is optimistic, and it’s nice to have some closure after all these years.

Also posted on BookCrossing.

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