Tag Archives: sports

A Golfer’s Tail by Roscoe Watkins

A Golfer’s Tail by Roscoe Watkins: This is the story of a feline golfer and his quest for the double slam: wins at the all the major golf tournaments, senior and regular, in one year. I’ll say up front that I neither know nor care a lick about golf, but I’ve found that you don’t always have to be a sports fan to enjoy a sports story. Unfortunately, I don’t think that’s the case here. While the cat-related quips were somewhat entertaining, such as the importance of tail dynamics, the rest of the book consisted play-by-play descriptions of each golf tournament. I found it to be a somewhat exhausting laundry list of birdies, pars, eagles, and bogeys, occasionally punctuated by the crowd going “wild” and/or a “feeling of calm” settling over Roscoe. That said, I’m sure it would be very interesting to an avid golfer. However, between that and the cringe-inducing Japanese stereotype serving as Roscoe’s main adversary, it took me a very long time to finish this slim novel. If you’re a huge fan of both golf and cats, this may well be the book for you. It’s just not the book for me.

Also posted on BookCrossing.

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