Weekly Geeks 2009-44

I told you I got last week’s WG in just under the wire. And here’s the next one already. WG 2009-44 is more like a questionnaire than a single topic, so I’m going to fill it in that way.

How do you choose what to read? Is it random or planned? Based on your mood, challenges, titles, covers, topic?

There are two parts to this question. The first part is how I choose what to add to my to-be-read pile. These generally fall into three categories: (1) a classic (or currently popular) book I pick up just to see what all the fuss is about, (2) a book by an author I’ve previously enjoyed, and (3) books literally shoved into my hands by fellow BookCrossers. This last one is the most common. We can get a little aggressively generous with our literature. :) But I’ve discovered a lot of really awesome books this way, much of it stuff I never would have tried on my own.

The second part is how I choose what I read next. If I have a book with a time limit (bookring to pass along, ARC to review, book borrowed from a friend, etc.) then of course that comes first. Otherwise I usually just go to the shelf and grab whatever strikes my fancy at that particular moment. The exception to this is audiobooks, which I borrow from the library. Their catalog has only a passing acquaintance with reality, so I keep a list of audiobooks I’d like to listen to and when I start one, I put the next one on hold. That way it’s waiting for me in an easy-to-find location when I’m ready to read it.

What process do you use for reading? Do you take notes while reading? Annotate your books? Just read?

I just read. The only time I take notes is when reading a textbook or something I plan to summarize, or occasionally when I think of something I want to include in my review.

What happens when you are done reading? Do you wait to review or write immediately? Do you revisit and revise before posting?

Sometimes I jot down quick notes while reading, but in general I try to get the review written within a couple days of finishing the book. If I wait too long I start forgetting what I wanted to say.

What other tasks do you go through after reading a book? Is your blog the only place you post a review? Do you keep lists of readings? Catalog genre, page numbers, gender of authors, etc.?

Oy. The reviews are posted here on my blog, as well as GoodReads and LibraryThing. Each week I post links on Semicolon: Saturday Reviews. In addition, I keep lists of books read in a given year on my BookCrossing bookshelf, Lists of Bests, and of course here on the blog. I’ve thought about copy-pasting my reviews on Amazon as well but haven’t made the time to do it.

What happens to the book when you are done with it? Does it end up in your home library? Go back to a public library? BookMooch?

The audiobooks go back to the library. 99.9% of the rest of them end up being released through BookCrossing. It’s very rare that I reread a book, so if I don’t think I will, I don’t keep it. Shelf space is at a premium in my house.

Overall, if you had to give someone a “How To” list for your dealings with any particular book, what would it look like?

1. Get book via friends, BookCrossing, the Book Thing, a used bookstore, whatever.
2. Read book. Hopefully enjoy.
3. List book as finished in various places.
4. Review book. Post review in various places.
5. Bring book to BC in DC meet. If no one takes it, release it into the wild.
6. Repeat.

  1. A very clear process to how you read a book…. I love how you guys are so deligent with updating more than one site with your reviews….

    Sometimes i’m just too lazy…

    Kudos for passing on your books, it nice to share the wealth….

    Happy weekly Geek


  2. Thank you for the reminder to post on Semicolon’s list. I forgot to that this week. I have quite a few books pushed into my hands by fellow BookCrossers. We have a very active local group.

  3. My library lets you make a wish list from their holdings and mine has gone past 100, so it is as out of control as my TBR at present. Most of my reading selections do come from recommendations.

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