This is an open post to my regular readers (of which I think there are roughly three) and anyone else who happens upon this post.
My blogging has been pretty sporadic lately. Truth be told, I’ve been in a bit of a rut. Book reviews are all fine and dandy but I’ve been uninspired by my regularly scheduled memes and I haven’t had much to say about anything else. I’d really like to get back into the swing of things again, but I need some help from you all. Here are some possibilities for posts:
Art – My husband suggested I start scanning and posting more of my sketches and doodles, and generally discussing the artistic process more. Another idea is to post about my current projects, swaps, and other artistic endeavors.
Writing – I like to pretend I’m a writer. Would you like me to post short stories from time to time, or even as a regular (perhaps monthly) feature?
Events – I do, believe it or not, go to concerts and other events from time to time. Would you like me to report back on these more often?
Links – I’m an avid Google Reader user, and am always looking for more blogs to follow and posts to check out. Would you like me to do occasional blog reviews of the ones I really enjoy? Shall I do a regular roundup of pages I stumble upon?
Memes – I have an extensive list of writing prompt websites; should I start looking into answering some of them?
Photos – One of my “things” in my 101 things in 1001 days project is to take and post a photo a day for a month. Would anyone be interested in having that posted here, or should I leave it on my personal blog?
Other – Anything I haven’t thought of, including longer and more thoroughly researched posts (i.e., single topic with lots of links), contests and giveaways, additional subjects to write about, movie/music reviews, etc.
What would you like to see more of? I’d ask what you’d like to see less of, but the only real possibility there is book reviews, and I’m afraid I’m not going to reduce those. If there are any other “feature requests” for my site, I’m open to those too – more regular posting schedule, better comment system, additional pages, whatever. Don’t be afraid to give ideas, no matter how specific or general.
All of the above – but I’ll probably just skim the “memes” entries…
Personally, I would be most interested in art, writing, and events posts.
Your art, and maybe links if they’re particularly good!
Well, you already know my feelings on the subject. Sometimes I think it’s just fun to post different things here and there to give others a peak into the world of Kate. :)
I’d like to read some of your stories. I’m also up for any and all interesting links.
Since I read both the blog and the journal I guess I’m not so particular what ends up where, but I am liking the crafting entries you’ve done since this one. I enjoy the book reviews because you do them well, so I expect I’d enjoy reviews of activities like concerts even if the band wasn’t one I knew. You know I like reading what you write fiction-wise, too. Maybe some insta-writing? Get a prompt, take an hour to write something? That could be fun. For me to read. :-) I would probably skip the links unless they were awesome looking, but photos and drawings are always nice.
Someone who posts on the Dino Comics feed on LJ has a weekly feature on his personal blog called “things that made me happy this week” which is a bullet-point list including anecdotes, things in the news, and websites he enjoyed. A feature like that (occasional if not regular) or maybe “things that made me say “mrw?” this week” would be fun.
Maybe some insta-writing? Get a prompt, take an hour to write something? That could be fun. For me to read. :-)
That’s a possibility. One of my 101/1001 things is to finish out the prompts in A Writer’s Book of Days. Another is to write and post 5 short stories. So that’s a possibility…
The “things that made me happy/puzzled” idea is interesting. It also would help solve my problem of having things I want to share but have nothing to say about, since they could be in a list.