Pac-Man Moleskine Quandary

A blurry iPhone photo of my newest acquisition

I recently purchased one of those limited edition Pac-Man Moleskine notebooks from ThinkGeek. I purchased the small yellow notebook, which I think was best for my needs anyway. The thing is just adorable: bright yellow with that iconic Pac-Man font (which I associate more with the original GameBoy, but whatever), and two sheets of stickers. My husband is jealous.

But now I need your help, dear reader: whatever shall I use it for?

  1. I still think you should use it for sketches. :)

  2. i was going to say jot down stories about the fun, silly stuff you do. but sketches of the fun silly stuff you do works, too. since you kind of have a blog for the fun silly stuff stories.

  3. I’m so jealous too!!! I think you should use it for things you’ll read often. Like a recipe or a handy phone numbers etc.

    Nice to visit your blog and happy New Year

  4. So cute! For me those small notebooks are perfect as “idea books” to keep in your journal, where you take down notes about books, movies you want to see, craft or art or blog ideas and so on. Every handbag should have one!

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