30 Days of Lists

Join 30 Days of Lists


Though I didn’t blog any of them, I did actually participate in the latest 30 Days of Lists during September. I used a $1 Hello Kitty notebook and list template graphics from Creativity Prompt and did the whole thing by hand. Had the month been slightly less crazy I may have blogged the thing or at least been more creative with my lists, but I just wrote them down, filled them out, and occasionally included some little note about what I was doing that day. But hey, at least I finished! :D

The journal. Yes, it’s “lenticular”, which means Kitty winks when you move it. It’s kind of unnerving, actually.

A random middle page. Sticker courtesy of The Guilded Age.

The final day!


  1. Thanks for joining us this month! The hello kitty notebook is cute, but I don’t know how much of her winking I can take…almost like she’s assuming I’m writing naughty things in the notebook! If you decide to upload photos of your lists, be sure to add them to the #30Lists Flickr group so we can all see them ;)

    Also, I LOVED the Uglies series, hope you’re enjoying it, too.

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