Tau Zero by Poul Anderson

Tau Zero by Poul Anderson: A group of scientists are in a spaceship bound for a far planet, some thirty light-years away. And while they cannot travel faster than the speed of light, the time dilation considerably shortens their trip. Due to the mechanism driving their speed, separate engines are required for deceleration. When these decelerators are broken after a collision with a rogue nebula, the crew find themselves accelerating faster and faster, while the time difference between them and the rest of the universe continues to grow. This is my first time reading a science fiction novel that really deals with the relativistic effects of space travel, and I found that part of it fascinating. The interactions between crew members, on the other hand, were far less interesting. I did notice, however, that when someone in a relationship was unfaithful, it was always the woman. Funny, that. But hey, if you can get past the often dated gender roles, it’s a pretty decent story of survival.

Also posted on BookCrossing.

  1. I adore old science fiction, but yeah, it very often shows you why negative stereotypes about the social skills of the SF crowd exist.

    I think it’s still less offensive than the casual racism of a number of the early 20th century books I’ve been listening to on Librivox, though!

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