The Talented Mr. Ripley by Patricia Highsmith

The Talented Mr. Ripley by Patricia Highsmith: Tom Ripley is sent to Europe to find Dickie Greenleaf and convince him to come home to his parents. The men were acquaintances once upon a time, and Dickie’s father, at the end of his rope, finances Ripley’s trip. Instead of admitting that the two barely remember each other, Ripley slowly inserts himself into Dickie’s life, ultimately deciding that he, Tom Ripley, is more deserving of such a life. The ensuing series of close calls and further deceptions makes for quite the suspenseful read. I kept turning the page, wanting to see how Ripley would get out of this particular scrape, and whether, in the end, his caper would succeed. Definitely recommended if you like (somewhat disturbing) psychological thrillers.

Also posted on BookCrossing.

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