Tag Archives: binary souls other dimensions

Anime USA: November 18-20, 2011

For the fourth year running, I’ll be in the Artists Alley with my dear husband at Anime USA in Crystal City, Virginia, next weekend. Stop by and say hello!

Intervention: September 16-18, 2011

I’ll be in the Artists Alley with my dear husband at Intervention in Rockville, Maryland, next weekend. Stop by and say hello!

The Ankle Saga

On Easter Sunday I was minding my own business when suddenly I stepped off a curb wrong and completely screwed up my ankle. No bones were broken, so the ER staff diagnosed me with a sprain, put me in an air cast, gave me crutches, and sent me on my way.

The trouble with having a sprained ankle is that people think it’s synonymous with a twisted ankle. It’s not. By medical definition I have “just” a bad sprain, but in my case that means I have multiple tears in multiple ligaments and tendons. Two doctors, four braces, and nearly three months later and I’m still limping along, now (finally) awaiting surgery to fix the tear in the tendon.

But I’m not posting to whine. (Well, not just to whine, anyway.)

I’m posting to share some of the awesome that has been bestowed upon me during my recovery. First, my sister made me a present: a grumpasaurus to cheer me up. I love him, and he currently disapproves from atop my bookshelf. Perhaps unsurprisingly, my husband quickly snapped him up and put him in a comic:

by theshaggyfreak on deviantART

From the start I’ve been a touch embarrassed at injuring myself so grievously doing something so mundane. It also gets a little old answering “what happened?” over and over (and over!) again. At some point I decided to start lying, and even better, tell each person something different. My friend Yibble was particularly intrigued by my story about being pushed out of a plane by a Nazi while alligator wrestling and ended up drawing a rather amusing cartoon of the event:

by Illishar on deviantART

A note on the costume: Yibble texted me to ask what I was wearing while skydiving and alligator wrestling. I told her 18th century garb, naturally. I mean, what else does one wear for such occasions?

Balticon: May 27-30, 2011

My dear husband is a guest at Balticon, the science fiction and fantasy convention in Baltimore, Maryland, next weekend. I’ll be there too, so if you’re in the area, stop by and say hello!

Sleepy Bill

Tip of the day: never take a nap while your wife has her art supplies out.

Sleepy Bill by *melydia on deviantART

My husband gave me two sets of Copic markers from Otaku Fuel for Christmas and another set for my birthday, plus my parents gave me a set of Prismacolor markers. My dear husband fell asleep on the couch while I was drawing, so I decided he was the perfect victim subject for trying out my new markers.

And you know what? It’s a pretty decent likeness.  Even more amazing, he thinks so too, and even made it his Facebook profile picture. :)

2011 BookCrossing Convention Bonus Features – now on sale!

Bring home part of the convention with this exclusive DVD! Included:

Professionally edited by Eleanore Stasheff and featuring music by Binary Souls / Other Dimensions, this is one DVD you don’t want to miss!

Price Guide:

  • In person/at the convention: $2 cash or check
  • PayPal (USA; shipping included): $5
  • PayPal (int’l; shipping included): $8

The small print: PayPal prices include shipping. DVDs are only available in Region 1 format.  All orders placed before the convention will be shipped on Tuesday, April 19, 2011.  You do NOT have to be a BookCrosser to purchase (or enjoy) this DVD.




Please note: We are NOT making any money on this. Purchasing this DVD will not affect the fund meter on the convention website. If by some miracle we manage to cover our production costs, any profit will be given to those who so generously donated their time and resources. We are offering this one-of-a-kind feature because we love it and want to share it. We hope you love it too.

T-Mode: April 15-17, 2011

If you’re attending T-Mode in Rockville, Maryland, next weekend, stop down in the Artists Alley and say hello to my dear husband, who will be there representing Binary Souls / Other Dimensions. I’ll be at the BookCrossing Convention that weekend, but if you’re in the area, you should stop by and say hello. Tell him Kate sent you.

Anime USA

Next weekend (November 12-14), I will be making my annual trek to Anime USA, working at the Binary Souls / Other Dimensions table in the Artists Alley. Stop by and say hello! I’ll even draw something for you if you ask nicely.

Intervention and SPX

Through some sort of scheduling mixup, my much-beloved Small Press Expo and the brand new Intervention are happening the same weekend (that of September 11th), right down the road from each other. This actually isn’t as catastrophic as it seems. I will be working the Binary Souls / Other Dimensions table in the artist alley at Intervention, but I already plan on taking part of Saturday afternoon to go check out SPX. I can’t miss it – it’s quite possibly the most inspiring day of my year. Intervention, however, also looks pretty interesting: it’s dedicated, more or less, to internet pop culture.

So if you’re in the DC metro area next weekend, head on up to Rockville, Maryland, and say hello. I’ll even draw something for you if you ask nicely.

Read Comics in Public Day

Tomorrow is the very first Read Comics in Public Day. It’s simple: read a comic in public, have somebody take your picture, and then email the photo to them.

I will definitely be participating, if only because I’ll be at Baltimore Comic Con. (Incidentally, I’ll be at table A191 in the Artists Alley with BS/OD.) What about you? Will you be reading comics in public?

Hat tip to Comics Alliance.

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