Tag Archives: journal52

Journal52- Week 34 – The End

This is as far as I made it through Journal52 2016. Over halfway – that’s actually really good, for me. I’m glad I gave it a go, though I don’t see myself trying again any time soon. This week’s prompt was “free for all”, meaning that we could draw whatever. So I drew my friend’s cat Errol. He’s rather large but very sweet.

Journal52 – Week 31

I like gray and green. I need to get more shades of each.

Journal52 – Week 29

This isn’t an especially good drawing; I just like how the colors turned out.

Journal52 – Week 28

My friend’s dog Jasper was dozing under my chair, so I snapped a picture of him to serve as my model. This was more experimenting with fonts. I don’t think of myself as good at lettering, but this was fun.

Journal52 – Week 27

I do a lot of playing with materials in this sketchbook, and I like how this one turned out. I started with a layer of colored pencil (Prismacolor Art Stix), drew the firework shapes with a black marker, then used gel pens (Sakura Gelly Roll) for the color.

Journal52 – Week 26

The prompt was Barefoot and I drew my wonky feet, but when I went to color them, I grabbed a marker that turned me distinctly orange. So I threw some green on there and became The Hulk. As you do.

Journal52 – Week 25

I’ve never been very good at drawing bottles or cups, but I liked how the letters turned out.

Journal52 – Week 20

The prompt was “food with a face.” I started by drawing broccoli more or less in the style of Ballycumber the BookCrossing logo, and just kind of went from there. The final picture amuses the crap out of me.

Journal52 – Week 13

I am so pleased with myself for this one. I’d always misheard the lyrics to this song, and with a prompt like mondegreens, I knew I had to go for it. She’s even holding the ELO shield! Come on, it’s hilarious.

Journal52 – Week 11

This week’s prompt was favorite imaginary animal. I’d thought about gelflings and griffins and then looked up and saw my plush Peep collection, and decided to draw that instead.

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