Tag Archives: phantom of the opera

The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux

The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux: I get the distinct impression that had this book not been made into a fabulously popular musical, it would have been largely forgotten. The writing is largely dreadful, with long passages of dialogue consisting mainly of people repeating themselves and each other. Meh.

Also posted on BookCrossing.

PotO in 100 words or less.

I copied The Phantom of the Opera (courtesy of thecheshirekat.com) into MS Word and used the AutoSummarize tool, using the “100 words or less” option. This is what it came up with:

Christine replied.




thought Raoul, furiously. “Christine!”


Of Raoul? “Christine! “Christine!”


“Christine! Christine! Raoul said:

Enough!” cried Raoul. “I understand, Christine. “Erik! Erik! Raoul implored.

“Raoul! Raoul! Raoul!”


“Christine! “Christine! Christine!”

“Christine! Christine!…”

“Christine! “Christine! Christine!”

“Christine Daae’s.”

“Like Christine Daae.”

“Christine! Christine!”

“Christine, Christine, it is I, Raoul!”

Raoul! Raoul! Listen, Christine, darling! “Erik! Erik!” said Christine’s voice. Erik!”

Christine Daae’s voice said:

“Raoul! Raoul!” “Erik! “Erik! “Erik! Erik! “Christine!” cried M. de Chagny. “Christine! “Erik! Erik!”

“Christine! Christine!”

“Erik! Erik!” Erik!”

“Raoul de Chagny and Christine Daae?”

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