Tag Archives: philip reeve

Infernal Devices by Philip Reeve

Infernal Devices by Philip Reeve: This is the third installment in a science fiction series (The Hungry City Chronicles) of which I have read no other books. It felt very sequelish: the heroes of the previous books have settled down and had a daughter who grows up with tales of their adventures back in the day. Said daughter then runs away and revisits old villains from said adventures. Despite the rather cliche set-up, it’s a reasonably fast-paced book with fairly interesting characters. If I sound a little tepid, there’s a reason. I couldn’t really get into this book. But it may be due to my ignorance of the setting. I don’t know what anti-tractionists believe, or what the Green Storm is trying to accomplish, or the significance of Stalker Grike. I also don’t have any context for Hester Shaw’s past sins, so such revelations meant nothing to me. The only real lasting impression I got of this book was how violent it is. People – even children – die graphically left and right. It was a little shocking to find in a book aimed at young adults. One thing I’ll say for this book, however: the author knows how to keep his audience. While the main plot issue is resolved at the end, all kinds of loose ends and vague cliffhangers remain. I am curious what happens to Hester and Tom and Wren and Fishcake. However, I am not a very patient reader; I’ll wait until the entire series is released before revisiting it, this time from the beginning.

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