Tag Archives: steve nash

The Animal Review by Jacob Lentz and Steve Nash

The Animal Review by Jacob Lentz and Steve Nash: Maybe I’m just jaded, but I’ve found most animal humor books aren’t particularly humorous. They’re like Garfield, recycling the same old jokes and stereotypes. So you can imagine my delighted surprise when I laughed out loud on several occasions while reading this book. Each animal is graded using an admittedly biased (and often ridiculous) methodology, from the A+ King Cobra to the F-rated Alpaca. The ideas of vulture as college roommate, ants as teen girls, and Nature as moody art student are just so absurd and yet so well done that I couldn’t help but giggle. This is one humor book I’d actually recommend. I think I might have to subscribe to the blog now too.

Also posted on BookCrossing.

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