Tag Archives: the art league

On Composition and Negative Space

When drawing something simple like a stark still-life, composition – that is, the placement of the object in the frame – becomes very important. For example, when drawing an iris, it would be wise not to create something that looks more like a wilted cabbage in the process of fainting.

Just sayin’.


When I was a kid, I anthropomorphized everything. Seriously: I even attributed personalities to the cards on computer solitaire. These days, inanimate objects tend to take on my current mood. For example, drawing boxes bores me to tears:

And drawing round objects in perspective frustrates me to no end:

I wasn’t really going anywhere with this. Just wanted to share. Do you anthropomorphize inanimate objects in your life?


You can certainly do worse than copying the masters, but sometimes it feels a little weird to create art of other art in a different medium. For example, while the rest of my Basic Drawing class at The Art League in summer 2010 was creating spheres and cubes, my instructor wisely gave me (who alone had experience with charcoal, evidently) something a little bit more interesting to render:

My first attempt didn’t turn out too well, so I rotated it and tried again:

That was a little better, but the sad truth is that no matter how faithfully I copied it, it remained a pretty ugly statue.

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