The Unnameables by Ellen Booraem

The Unnameables by Ellen Booraem: Medford Runyuin lives on the Island, a place where everything is named for its Use and nothing Useless is allowed. If you bake, your name is Baker; if you carve, your name is Carver; and everyone follows the rules laid out in The Book. Medford hopes to be called Carver once he reaches adulthood, but is worried about banishment because he has secretly been carving Useless (though beautiful) works of art. Now, if this had been the entire story, it would have been fairly generic. However, Medford’s life is turned upside-down when he is visited by the Goatman, a smelly man with hooves and horns who can control the wind. This nifty little twist adds life to an otherwise rather standard story about the joy of creativity. I hope there’s a sequel that goes into more detail about the goatfolk. He was the most interesting character.

Also posted on BookCrossing.

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