The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman

The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman: While trying to protect his mother from some mysterious men, Will steps into another world. There he meets Lyra and is swept up into the tale of Dust and witches and daemons. This is the second installment in the His Dark Materials trilogy, and like many seconds-of-three, it’s pretty dark. The violence is both more prevalent and more graphic than in The Golden Compass, and at times I almost cried. But it’s well-written and exciting, and I just love Will. Like the previous book, it ends with a cliffhanger. Looking forward to the conclusion.

Also posted on BookCrossing.

  1. Yay!! Oh, I’m so glad you like Will, too! Actually, I’m pleased your thoughts about this book are pretty much exactly mine as well.

    Though the third book did not end the way I wanted, I thought it was a better ending than many other writers would have gone for. Many people thought it came out of nowhere or were angry because of certain twists. I’ll be interested to see what you think when you finish the third one.

    • Jay said that if he hadn’t been reading it on ebook, he would have thrown The Amber Spyglass across the room when it ended. I’m hoping my reaction isn’t quite so violent. :)

  2. I saw the movie of the Golden Compass, and picked up the boxset. I haven’t read them yet. I enjoyed your review, it reminded me that they are waiting to be read.

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