and then there were three… by Supriya Bhatnagar

and then there were three… by Supriya Bhatnagar: This brief memoir details Bhatnagar’s childhood experiences with the death of her father in 1970s India. Since Bhatnagar now lives in America, she took time to point out little differences in daily life between the two countries. These parts I found most fascinating. Her family’s grief was touching and sad, but honestly I was more interested in her experiences growing up with a single mother who starts her own school. Even better, I got to bring up some of the stuff from this book, such as the “desert coolers”, with my Indian coworker, who’d had similar experiences growing up in Hyderabad. I loved the real personal feeling of the narration, like I was having a conversation ith the author rather than reading her book. I hope to read more by her someday.

Also posted on BookCrossing.

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