Sketchbook Skool: Watercolors

For most of my life, the only kind of watercolor I’d ever used was the little bricks you’d use in elementary school. Until recently, I didn’t even know watercolor paints came in tubes. So for this assignment, I purchased a 12-color set of Niji Water Color paints and a little aluminum palette, and set to work.

The colors were far richer and darker than I’d expected. The little color bricks were always pale, and you have to use a whole lot of watercolor pencil to get things this dark. The assignment was to do a contour drawing of a still life, then use watercolors to fill it in. For my still life I used a perfume bottle, a little plastic maraca, and my poor ceramic moose who’s missing an antler.

The moose is overworked but I kinda like the body of the perfume bottle. I’d like to work more with watercolors but it’s a difficult setup since it requires additional materials. I’m pretty spoiled with the compactness of my watercolor pencils.

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