Category Archives: comic

Comic: Volumne

Echo’s purr has a volume knob, apparently.

Comic: Temperature

Every night.

Diary Comic: Misheard

Comic: Burning

My husband thinks I chronically undercook things out of impatience, but this is closer to the truth.

Comic: Deodorant

Note: that dude looks nothing like my actual boss.

Comic: Earworm

Special shout-out to The Awkward Yeti for the inspiration.

Comic: Mondegreen

Comic: Pet Names

Yes, we call her Boof. Pan is Dots or, more often, Pan-Pan. Hook is Beans.

Comic: Petting Guide

I don’t know if it’s a gender thing or more because we got Pan as a kitten.

Comic: Excitement

I admit I’m a little jealous.

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