Weekly Geeks

I’ve decided to dust off this blog and post some more. It will still be link-centric (as opposed to diary-like), and I’ll still most likely never post more than once a day, but with my recent discovery of Weekly Geeks I may start branching out from my normal subject matter.

So let’s begin, shall we? This is week #20, but it appears to be a continuation of last week’s, so I’ll do that. Weekly Geeks #19: list your top books published in 2008.

I was looking at my list of books read this year so far, and realized that I’ve read only two books this year that were also published this year. I imagine my Reduce My TBR Mountain challenge participation has something to do with it (I pledged to read 30 books off my pre-2008 to-be-read pile, which I completed about a week ago), and the fact that ye olde TBR has become so overwhelming that I also (mostly) stopped signing up for ARC’s.

Unfortunately, as one of the books was not worth reading, I only have one 2008 book to share as my “top”. Fortunately, it was actually a very good book: Nation by Terry Pratchett. I reviewed this fairly recently so I won’t repeat myself, but I will say that it’s definitely worth your while.

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