Thing-a-Day 2011

Thing-a-Day has begun again for 2011. The concept is simple: create one thing each day of the month of February. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but it does have to be complete. I tried last year and failed about two weeks in, but I’m trying again. I’m going to attempt to have most of my “things” be drawings, but there will doubtless be days when I opt for something else. Everything will be posted over at posterous, but all new posts will be linked on Twitter too.

I’m feeling confident this year. Gustavo didn’t take very long to draw, and I really enjoyed it. My husband is always after me to do more drawing, so I know he’s thrilled for me to be participating in something like this.

What about you? Are you participating?

  1. Does the Thing have to be both started and finished in one day? Because I could do it if I could count my elephmint for yesterday.

    • The only requirement is to “make one new thing a day,” and several people have been posting works-in-progress, especially knitted and crocheted stuff. There aren’t any prizes except increased creative output, so I’d say the elephmint counts. And if joining Thing-a-Day means you create more adorable crocheted critters, then I heartily encourage you to do it!

      • Alas, registration has closed, according to the website. So I cannot be officially part of it. Then again, what with all the talks I’m giving and the fact that projects like elephmint easily take four sittings to complete, maybe it’s for the best. Small crochet critters will continue production, however.

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